NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - With severe weather projected, Nashville residents are making arrangements to protect their property.
For those living in the city's eastside, they are high alert after recent storms have left residents effected.
Leroy Buggs has lived in the area for decades and doesn't take any chances when storms loom after his basement flooded last summer.
"I can be in Hawaii on vacation, and I'm in wondering about my basement," Buggs said. "If a pretty decent rain comes, all that water traffic is gonna meet right here in front of my building."
Buggs spent Friday placing tarps around his property to cover the holes currently in place as result of ongoing renovation projects.
The longtime homeowner says flooding in his neighborhood has gotten worse with new developments.
This week commissioners approved plans to build another subdivision near his home which concerns him and other neighbors.
"I'm not against development, I appreciate that, but I do want better planning. If they create a problem, I don't want them to do just drop the problem."