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Clorox partnership helps suppliers meet carbon reduction targets

Clorox partnership helps suppliers meet carbon reduction targets

The bottom line: Stampin' Up! is filling orders faster than ever before, with less manpower, since it shifted to an easy-to-use voice picking system that makes adapting to seasonal product changes and promotions a piece of cake. Here's how.

Stampin' Up!'s business increased rapidly in 2020, when pandemic-era lockdowns sparked a surge in online orders for its crafting and scrapbooking supplies -- everything from rubber stamps to specialty papers, ink, and embellishments needed for home-based projects. At around the same time, company leaders learned that the WMS in use at its main distribution center (DC) in Riverton, Utah, was nearing its end-of-life and would have to be replaced. That process set in motion a series of changes that would upend the way Stampin' Up! picked items and filled orders, setting the company on a path toward continuous improvement.

"We began a process to replace the WMS, with no intent to do anything else," explains Rich Bushell, the company's director of global distribution services. "But when we started to investigate a new WMS, we began to look at the larger picture. We saw problems within our [picking] system. Really, they were problems with our processes."

Stampin' Up! had hired global supply chain consulting firm Argon & Co. to help with the WMS selection and implementation, and it was that process that sparked the change. Argon & Co. Partner Steve Mulaik, who worked on the project, says it quickly became clear that Stampin' Up!'s zone-based pick-and-pass fulfillment process wasn't working well -- primarily because pickers spent a lot of idle time waiting for the next order. Under the old system, which used pick-to-light technology, workers stood in their respective zones and made picks only from their assigned location; when it came time for a pick, the system directed them where to make that pick via indicator lights on storage shelves. The workers placed the picked items directly into shipping boxes that would be passed to the next zone via conveyor.

"The business problem here was that they had a system that didn't work reliably," Mulaik explains. "And there were periods when [workers] would have nothing to do. The workload was not balanced."

This was less than ideal for a DC facing accelerating demand for multi-item orders -- a typical Stampin' Up! order contains 17 to 21 items per box, according to Bushell. In a bid to make the picking process more flexible, Mulaik suggested eliminating the zones altogether and changing the workflow. Ultimately, that would mean replacing the pick-to-light system and revamping the pick-and-pass process with a protocol that would keep workers moving and orders flowing consistently.

"We changed the whole process, building on some academic work from Georgia Tech along with how you communicate with the system," Mulaik explains. "Together, that has really resulted in the significant change in productivity that they've seen."


The Riverton DC's new solution combines voice picking technology with a whole new process known as "bucket brigade" picking. A bucket brigade helps distribute work more evenly among pickers in a DC: Pickers still work in a production-line fashion, picking items into bins or boxes and then sending the bins down the line via conveyor. But rather than stop and wait for the next order to come to them, pickers continue to work by walking up to the next person on the line and taking over that person's assignment; the worker who is overtaken does the same, creating a process in which pickers are constantly filling orders and no one is picking from the same location.

Stampin' Up! doesn't follow the bucket brigade process precisely but has instead developed its own variation the company calls "leapfrog." Instead of taking the next person's work, pickers will move up the line to the next open order after completing a task -- "leapfrogging" over the other pickers in the line to keep the process moving.

"We're moving to the work," Bushell explains. "If your boxes are full and you push them [down the line], you just move to the open work. The idea is that it takes the zones away; you move to where the next pick is."

The voice piece increases the operation's flexibility and directs the leapfrog process. Voice-directed picking allows pickers to listen to commands and respond verbally via a headset and handheld device. All commands filter through the headset, freeing the worker's eyes and hands for picking tasks. Stampin' Up! uses voice technology from AccuSpeechMobile with a combination of company-issued Android devices and Bluetooth headsets, although employees can use their own Bluetooth headsets or earbuds if they wish.

Mulaik and Bushell say the simplicity of the AccuSpeechMobile system was a game-changer for this project. The device-based system requires no voice server or middleware and no changes to a customer's back-end systems in order to operate. It uses "screen scrape" technology, a process that allows the collection of large volumes of data quickly. Essentially, the program translates textual information from the device into audible commands telling associates what to pick. Workers then respond verbally, confirming the pick.

"AccuSpeech takes what the [WMS] says and then says it in your ear," Bushell explains. "The key to the device is having all the data needed to make the pick shown on the screen. However, the picker should never -- or rarely -- need to look at the screen [because] the voice tells them the info and the commands are set up to repeat if prompted. This helps increase speed.

"The voice piece really ties everything together and makes our system more efficient."

And about that system: Stampin' Up! chose a WMS from technology provider QSSI, which directs all the work in the DC. And the conveyor systems were updated with new equipment and controls -- from ABCO Systems and JR Controls -- to keep all those orders moving down the line. The company also adopted automated labeling technology and overhauled its slotting procedure -- the process of determining the most efficient storage location for its various items -- as part of the project.


Productivity improvement in the DC has been the biggest benefit of the project, which was officially completed in the spring of 2023 but continues to bear fruit. Prior to the change, Stampin' Up! workers averaged 160 picks per hour, per person. That number rose to more than 200 picks per hour within the first few months, according to Bushell, and was up to 276 picks per hour as of this past August -- a more than 70% increase.

"We've seen some really good gains," Bushell says, adding that the company has reduced its reliance on both temporary and full-time staff as well, the latter mainly through attrition. "Overall, we're 20% to 25% down on our labor based on the change .... And it's because we're keeping people busy."

Quality has stayed on par as well, something Bushell says concerned him when switching from the DC's previous pick-to-light technology.

"You have very good quality with pick-to-light, so we [worried] about opening the door to errors with pick-to-voice because a human is confirming each pick," he says. "But we average about one error per 3,300 picks. So the quality is really good."

On top of all that, Bushell says employees are "really happy" with the new system. One reason is that the voice system is easy to learn -- so easy, anyone can do it. Stampin' Up! runs frequent promotions and special offers that create mini spikes in business throughout the year; the new system makes it easy to get the required temporary help up to speed quickly or recruit staff members from other departments to accommodate those spikes.

"We [allocate] three days of training for voice, but it's really about an hour," Bushell says, adding that some of the employees from other departments simply enjoy the change of pace and the exercise of working on the "leapfrog" bucket brigade. "I have people that sign up every day to come pick."

Not only has Stampin' Up! reduced downtime and expedited the picking of its signature rubber stamps, paper, and crafting supplies, but it's also blazing a trail in fulfillment that its business partners say could serve as a model for other companies looking to crank up productivity in the DC.

"There are a lot of [companies] that have pick-and-pass systems today, and while those pick-and-pass systems look like they are efficient, those companies may not realize that people are only picking 70% of the time," Mulaik says. "This is a way to reduce that inactivity significantly.

"If you can get 20% of your productivity back -- that's a big number."

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