Vivid Headlines

New Isla Vista Vending Machine Dispenses Free Health and Wellness Items in an I.V. Vending Machine

By Nick Welsh

New Isla Vista Vending Machine Dispenses Free Health and Wellness Items in an I.V. Vending Machine

The new Health and Wellness Vending Machine in Isla Vista awaited a ribbon-cutting ceremony on October 16. | Credit: Courtesy

Tucked away on the Isla Vista Community Center's campus-facing patio is an unfamiliar machine, which holds rows of unusual items, like contraceptives, HIV tests, naloxone spray, and fentanyl test strips. The new Health and Safety Vending Machine was unveiled on Wednesday, October 16, by the Isla Vista Community Service District (IVCSD) to make these necessities available free of charge and free of stigma.

"The machine is designed to provide essential supplies, free of charge, and anonymously," said Sydney Casteñeda, IVCSD Assistant General Manager, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by residents, students, police, and special guests, including Supervisor Laura Capps and Sheriff Bill Brown. "With concerns about opioid overdoses and barriers to preventative care we wanted to offer a resource to help reduce risk and support the wellbeing of I.V. residents," Casteñeda said.

The vending machine includes:

Naloxone Nasal Spray (Narcan®)

Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips

Emergency Contraceptives

Rapid HIV Tests and STI Tests

Feminine Hygiene Kits

Safe Sex Kits

Safe Syringe Kits

To access the items, users first answer a few demographic questions. In the case of an overdose, the questions can be bypassed by typing in the code "999#" and selecting a row with Narcan®,. Additionally, a QR code on the machine links to a YouTube video that demonstrates how to administer Narcan®.

"This new vending machine is vital for students and Isla Vista residents to feel safe in their communities," said Sofia Clifford, UCSB senior. "Its readily accessible resources are invaluable."

The vending machine is located at 976 Embarcadero Del Mar in Isla Vista.

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