Last weekend's Likewise reunion brought together scores of friends and familiar faces from Aspen in the late '90s to hear the former local jam band get back together. Likewise -- comprised of Eli Madden, Paul Boneau, Jim Trowbridge, Greg Asiala, and Kevin Roper -- played a mini-tour around town downstairs at BUCK on Friday, Sept. 6; at Ale House on Saturday; and closing out on the patio at Home Team for a Sunday show.
"You guys are on it -- you even sound way better than when you played at the Grotto's back in the day," said a fan in passing to bass player Boneau who accepted the compliment with a wry smile and kept on jamming.
In typical tour fashion, some fans wore laminated passes around their necks indicating they were "with the band" and hit up all three stops. Here's to hoping another tour is in store back on this turf in the near future with this group.