Vivid Headlines

James Ebeler Appointed Emergent VP Following Mythics' Three Wire Business Acquisition

James Ebeler Appointed Emergent VP Following Mythics' Three Wire Business Acquisition

James Ebeler, former chief technology officer at Three Wire Systems, was named vice president of technology solutions at Emergent.

In a LinkedIn post, the IT platforms and services provider announced that Ebeler and other talent joined the company following Mythics' acquisition of Three Wire's technology resale business and integration of it into its wholly owned subsidiary Emergent.

Ebeler said of the acquisition, "Joining Emergent made sense. We are perfectly aligned with our audience, experience and expertise and the opportunities ahead of us to make a great impact in the public sector are expansive."

The new Emergent VP brings to his role years long service with the U.S. Army and experience in working as CTO for Department of Defense at Iron Bow Technologies.

Ebeler joined Three Wire in February 2022 and was responsible for developing and executing strategies for the growth of the company's security, software and hardware portfolios.

Emergent is a Virginia-based value-added reseller that provides IT offerings for government agencies, education and commercial customers.

In 2022, the company was tasked to help the Department of the Air Force obtain licenses for 12 core Oracle software products and the Java Standard Edition platform under a potential five-year, $419.7 million contract.

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