Vivid Headlines

Elections Today

By Kellyn Brown

Elections Today

Starting with a hatred of your opponent does not help bring us together

In a word, confusing! In another word, ridiculous! And even a third word, vicious!

As a voter, I want the best candidate I can get to help improve the current conditions we all live under. So, who will that be? Here's the problem ...

Elections today are all about making the other side look worse than they are. I really don't care who can sling the most mud. That is not an attribute I consider desirable in choosing a candidate. As a matter of fact, the more they sling the less I believe they will improve anything. I mean just look at the example they are setting of what they would do already if elected! Starting with a hatred of your opponent does not help bring us together. We need everyone pulling in the same direction to get us out of the hole we find ourselves in these days.

I believe the only way we can improve conditions is by both Democrat and Republicans on the same team. If we continue to have both sides fighting each other, then when are they going to have time to tackle the tough problems our citizens face today? There are many bright and amazing people in both parties, ones who can figure out the solutions we need to make things better for everyone. So, I ask you all from my humble position as an American citizen, veteran, and lover of freedom to stop the attacks, just stop! Instead inform us voters of what you have done in the past that proves you can and will keep the promises you make to get elected.

So, for my vote, I will pick the one whose past actions have shown them to be the best candidate to help improve conditions. Like my dad used to say, "talk is cheap," and I'll add, "but actions speak louder than words!"

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