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Take a Botanical Journey With Wildflower Expert

Take a Botanical Journey With Wildflower Expert

People who live in and around the local Sandhills region are familiar with the sandy, well-drained, low-nutrient soil, longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem, wiregrass, red-cockaded woodpecker, the rolling countryside and the abundance of creeks and small rivers. But there is so much more to explore and learn about our Sandhills region and the value it adds to our ecosystem.

Bruce Sorrie, author of "A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region," reminds us of just how biodiverse, fascinating, and rich the flora and fauna are in this area. This botanical journey through the Sandhill creates a visual roadmap with stops along the way of the plants and their locations within their natural habitat. The journey through the region extends unbroken through central North Carolina, through South Carolina, to east central Georgia, then as scattered pieces to west central Georgia. In the Sandhills there is a large diversity of plants due to its central position in the landscape. Half of the native plants of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia are found in this region.

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