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Senior Voice: September is National Aging Awareness month

Senior Voice: September is National Aging Awareness month

September is National Aging Awareness Month. This month focuses on practical ways for adults, ages 45-plus, to improve their physical and mental well-being and take control of their health!

Falls are very common in older adults. Many falls cause only minor injuries, but some can be life-changing and cause older adults to restrict their activities. Memory concerns often cause anxiety for older adults and families. They may -- or may not -- reflect substantial decreases in thinking abilities.

Although healthy older adults have lower rates of depression than the public, depression is still a common problem that is easily missed. It's more common in those who are struggling with illness, involved in caregiving, or socially isolated. About 50% of all adults aged 65+ experience bothersome pain every month, often in multiple parts of the body. Persisting pain is linked with decreased social and physical activity, depression, and taking worse care of one's own health. Pain can also be a sign of a new health problem that needs attention or a chronic problem that's being poorly managed.

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Both isolation (not having a lot of social contact with others) and loneliness (the feeling of lacking social connection) have been linked to declines in physical health. A 2012 study found that 43% of older adults reported feeling lonely; over the next 6 years, they were more likely to lose physical abilities or die. Loneliness and isolation have also been linked to decreased immune function and a greater risk of depression.

Polypharmacy means taking multiple medications. It's a problem mainly because as people get older, they become especially at risk for harm from medication side-effects or interactions. According to the CDC, every year 177,000 older adults visit the emergency room due to medication problems.

Exercise can be as simple as walking for just ten or fifteen minutes, three to four times a week, and increasing as you go. For those who are more active, try taking up tennis or joining a club where you can swim or use the exercise equipment. Even just taking a dance class or senior yoga, gardening, or mowing the lawn.

Consider proper portion sizes when eating. Eating larger portions than recommended leads to obesity, diabetes, and/or heart disease. Keeping your mind active and engaged may cause changes that could lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Be positive in your conversations and your actions every day. Stay social. Don't be afraid to make new friends, and try to see your old friends, too. A sedentary lifestyle devoid of interaction with friends and family leads to health issues and isolation can lead to depression. Maintain regularly scheduled visits to your healthcare provider. If you feel pain or symptoms, do not ignore them. See your provider immediately.

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