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After 4 YEARS of wearing a COVID MASK, millions of Americans are now mentally and physically IMPAIRED, suffering brain fog, disease and immune system deficiencies -

After 4 YEARS of wearing a COVID MASK, millions of Americans are now mentally and physically IMPAIRED, suffering brain fog, disease and immune system deficiencies   -

Pay it forward 4 years now, and some germophobic fanatics are STILL wearing their Covid face diapers 24/7/365, even when they are alone in the car, or walking outside alone. It's insanity on top of insanity, but you see it all around you every day. These folks never read REAL science about the dangers of wearing these masks all the time. For instance, not only do the masks breed bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs, but they limit proper oxygen intake, while recycling what you already breathed in and used. This is very bad folks. Follow the bouncing ball.

No wonder so many Democrats and Liberals are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, because most of them are still wearing their Covid masks. Whether you got the N95, the cheap China-made toxic ones, or you made one yourself from a scarf or a bandana, one thing they all have in common - you're breathing in your own carbon dioxide. This has several effects. It's toxic, leading to initial symptoms of headaches, drowsiness and acidic blood.

Then comes the brain fog, anxiety, memory loss, bacterial infections, lowered cognition, and then eventually cancer and respiratory acidosis. Lastly, lowered immune function kicks in, making you MORE susceptible to the very thing you were hoping to stave off - infectious disease. Oops. How ironic. The CO2 literally acts as an asphyxiant, displacing oxygen in the air. Fauci knew this from the beginning.

Feeling shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate? That could be the effects of the mask and the Covid clot shots. Here comes that rapid breathing again, and the restlessness coughing and wheezing. You might start feeling dizzy and need to sit down. As they say, "take a mask break" (like forever).

Dial it back to April of 2020, when the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended masks for sick people and health care workers, not for everyone else. Then, two months later, they switched their tune, and recommended everyone wear one 24/7/365, without any science to back it up. In fact, the science goes completely the opposite direction.

Randomized trials did NOT show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection from wearing masks. Not surgical masks or N95. That's because the holes in the masks are much larger than the viral particles, so it's like a basketball flying through a hula hoop. The pandemic hype was off the charts, and the whole China Flu scamdemic turned out to be fear-based propaganda meant to control the masses and kill off several million people. It worked.

By 2021, research revealed that prolonged use of Covid masks cause up to 20 percent loss of oxygen, leading to hypoxia and hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).

Children's brains were affected, especially during the developmental years. Fetal and embryonic development was decimated from pregnant mothers who wore their face diapers all day, putting themselves at high risk for developing ODMS.

Research out of Brown University found children who wear a mask all day at school suffer brain damage and declines in their IQ. Add some fluoridated water and some Fauci clot shots and what have you got? Mask-related changes in respiratory physiology do bodily harm to blood gases, decreasing oxygen while increasing CO2. This causes detriment to the organ systems and metabolic processes, impacting physical and psychological well-being. Get it?

It's slow torture and it affects everyone who wears a mask regularly, especially for FOUR LONG YEARS, which can result in permanent neurological damage and irreversible brain damage. Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma products that cause, spread and exacerbate disease and disorder.

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