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Julianne Hough and her Skinny Friend being Skinny in the Sauna of the Day

Julianne Hough and her Skinny Friend being Skinny in the Sauna of the Day

Whether Julianne Hough is dying from some sort of cancer, or just starving herself, or maybe this is what fitness looks like...or not...

Skinny is really what women should look like....and strive for,

They keep saying we are entering the Golden Era, whether that's true or not, who knows, it seems like there are still too many women out there crying about women empowerment and supporting each other in these dark times for me to fully believe that they'll lighten up and go back to knowing their role or their place in society based on their looks and sex appeal, the way our species has been wired forever....

But skinny Julianne Hough and her skinny friend telling the fatties out there to fuck off and that skinny is still possible in a world of fat fucks that clearly want you fat....brings hope...

Maybe her ditching the church for Satanist Hollywood was all a ploy to actually get into a place of influence, where her influence outside of silly and obnoxious dance that is pretty embarrassing...and becoming chick comedy memes that are painful, cringe-filled and horrible...check it out:

Is that SHE can be skinny and worth jerking off to...

Here they are in their lesbian-erotic-skinny-half-naked-sauna-porn...

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