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Nebraska Department of Transportation HIGHWAY PROJECT INFORMATION NDOT PROJECT: NH-75-2(183)

Nebraska Department of Transportation HIGHWAY PROJECT INFORMATION NDOT PROJECT: NH-75-2(183)

Nebraska Department of Transportation HIGHWAY PROJECT INFORMATION NDOT PROJECT: NH-75-2(183) US-75 Bridges, Bellevue Ph 2; C.N. 22697 The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is currently soliciting public input on the proposed improvements of U.S. Highway 75 (US-75) in Sarpy County. Identified as US-75 Bridges, Bellevue Ph 2 , this project would repair six bridges along approximately 2.45 miles of U.S. Highway 75 (US-75) in Sarpy County. The proposed project would start at approximately mile marker (MM) 80.03 and extend north to approximately MM 82.48. Construction may begin and/or end approximately 600 feet ahead of or beyond the actual project limits to accommodate transitioning the pavement, bridgework, and/or updating guardrail. Work would occur on the following structures along the project: · Northbound and southbound bridges over Big Papillion Creek (Structure Number S075 08003 L&R) · Northbound and southbound bridges over Capehart Road (Structure Number S075 08037 L&R) · Northbound and southbound bridges over Mud Creek, the Union Pacific Railroad and South 15 th Street/Hogantown Drive (Structure Number S075 08248 L&R) The purpose of this project is to preserve the transportation asset, improve the reliability of the transportation system and perpetuate the mobility of the traveling public. The need for bridge work on this project is based on the condition of the existing bridges. The proposed improvements on this project would consist of bridge repairs, including replacement of approach slabs and updating guardrail. No grade raises are anticipated at any of the bridge locations. Work would not be required in the waterway of Big Papillion Creek. The proposed project would not require the acquisition of additional property rights. Access to adjacent properties would be maintained during construction but may be limited at times due to traffic phasing requirements. Minor wetland and/or other water resource impacts are anticipated; mitigation would not be required. Willow Springs Park, Keystone South Trail, Willow Lakes Golf Course, Twin Ridge II Park, Capehart Road Trail and the Tregaron Golf Course are in the project vicinity; no impacts are anticipated. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin as early as spring of 2026 and be completed as early as spring of 2027. The proposed project would be constructed under traffic with lane closures controlled by appropriate traffic control devices and practices; however, the work on Pier 3 of S075 08248 L&R may necessitate temporary lane closures on adjacent South 15th Street/Hogantown Drive underneath the structures. Sidewalk access on South 15th Street/Hogantown Drive would remain open at all times with a protective cover of the sidewalk during construction. Phased repairs on structure S075 08003 L would temporarily impact access to the southbound entrance ramp of the Capehart Road interchange. A designated detour would be provided utilizing the northbound US-75 entrance ramp at the Nebraska Highway 370 (N-370) interchange. The public is being encouraged to make suggestions or express concerns regarding the proposed project. Comments will be collected through March 3, 2025. Written comments or requests should be submitted to: Sierra Luhn, Public Involvement Specialist, Nebraska Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 94759, Lincoln, NE 68509-4759; [email protected]; voice telephone 402-479-3103, fax 402-479-3989. Information regarding the proposed project will be made available on the NDOT website at . For those without internet access, information may be obtained through the contact above or at NDOT Headquarters, 1500 Nebraska Parkway, Lincoln, NE. For further information, contact Thomas Goodbarn, NDOT District 2 Engineer, 402-595-2534, [email protected].

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