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Dear Abby: My wife was placed on a special diet and won't let me eat anything she can't eat

Dear Abby: My wife was placed on a special diet and won't let me eat anything she can't eat

DEAR ABBY: My wife was recently diagnosed with a partial arterial blockage. It isn't blocked enough to warrant an angioplasty or a stent, so her doctors will manage it with medication and diet.

Because my wife now has a special diet she must follow, she has told me I can no longer eat anything in front of her that she can't eat. I must eat only the food she eats. My health is good, and I have no dietary restrictions. Is this demand she is making of me fair? How do I deal with it? -- PUNISHED IN ILLINOIS

DEAR PUNISHED: I suspect the diet you obliquely mentioned may be a "heart healthy" one. If that's the case, during the last 20 years (or so) the American Heart Association has published many cookbooks offering a variety of delicious recipes. (I know this to be true because I have dipped my beak into some of them.) A heart healthy diet needn't be onerous, and it could benefit you, too. If you crave something your wife can't eat, have it elsewhere so she won't be tempted. It's not a huge sacrifice to make, and her life could depend on it. Dig deep, give it a try and remind yourself that this is what a supportive spouse does for the person they love.

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