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Why this yogurt brand will pay you $1,000 to stay off social media until the election is over

By Joe Berkowitz

Why this yogurt brand will pay you $1,000 to stay off social media until the election is over

What goes best with yogurt for breakfast? According to dairy brand Stonyfield, it just might be a social media sabbatical.

With the Toxic-Free Election Challenge, the company is inviting fans to take October off from social media, and rewarding 100 randomly selected parfait-partakers with $1,000 for their efforts. On the surface, it might not seem like yogurt and politics blend together very well, but Stonyfield claims it makes a lot more sense when you take a closer look beneath the lid.

"Part of the DNA of Stonyfield has always been helping consumers avoid toxins in their day-to-day lives," says Kristina Drociak, director of PR at Stonyfield. "We're always trying to find ways to help consumers detoxify their lives, and this year we landed on a new way we could do that."

Over the course of the brand's 40-year history, Stonyfield has worked to remove pesticides from playing fields and public parks across the country, and to reduce carbon emissions in their own operations. The company's comms team is often in search of clever efforts to improve the environment while also underlining Stonyfield yogurt's inherent wholesomeness. This year, the question arose: What are some other major sources of toxicity?

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