Vivid Headlines

Burlington County, NJ looking to help nonprofits fight hunger

By Jill Croce

Burlington County, NJ looking to help nonprofits fight hunger

County officials are working to fight food insecurity, and American Rescue Plan Act funding is making it possible -- $1 million to be exact.

As of Sept. 6, 10 nonprofits have received a total of just over $350,000 through the grant program; applications are still open.

"Whatever it means for that particular partner, as long as they're using the funding to assist with food insecurity, we're ok with that," Burlington County Commissioner Director Felicia Hopson said to New Jersey 101.5.

Using money to purchase food, new storage, shopping bags, a refrigerator and more are acceptable for the grant.

It's difficult to record quantitative data on the subject, so it's been more of a qualitative focus, according to Hopson. "So we have to look at this from a holistic point of view and say, okay, these folks are still showing up. Some of them are repeat families, some of them are not. If they're still showing up, though, then there is truly still a gap in food insecurity for Burlington County," Hopson said.

So where does the county go from here?

Seeing the ongoing need for assistance, Hopson said it's critical to continue funding these nonprofit partnerships, so the assistance is always readily available.

A nonprofit can request an application by calling 609-795-2503; grants of up to $75,000 are available.

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