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How Eclipse Season Personally Affects Each Zodiac Sign From Now Through October 16, 2024

How Eclipse Season Personally Affects Each Zodiac Sign From Now Through October 16, 2024

The second eclipse season in 2024 lasts from September 3 through October 16, 2024, with the fall eclipse season's horoscopes bringing powerful surprises, changes, and transformations to each zodiac sign.

The collective has experienced eclipse energy throughout the year beginning with the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25 followed by the New Moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. This potent cardinal energy impacted all of us since it forced us to look within and implement changes needed involving areas of our chart where the Aries energy is located.

Now, the energy shifts with the September 17 eclipse in Pisces. The lunar eclipse in this water sign will be the prelude to the 2025 story unfolding next year. Saturn and the Full Moon will be in the same sign, making this a moment to close some vital chapters before the end of the year.

Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

The changes you've experienced with the North Node in your sign have helped you rediscover yourself, reach emotional alignment, and attain self-discovery. All of the lessons from earlier this year are helping you feel more proud of yourself.

During the remaining months of the year, you may encounter challenges that switch up your planning process. You are reminded to be more methodical and patient with your moves now that Mars will be in Cancer for the next several months.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Eclipse season will make you more proactive with taking care of yourself as well as being mindful of your boundaries. When the eclipse in October takes effect, your energy will once again be directed toward your goals and dreams with a greater focus on periods of rest.

Eclipse season is also pushing you to take on new challenges while applying the wisdom you acquired during Saturn in Aquarius. You are the star of the show, so take command of the stage.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

While we prepare for another ride in the mutable rollercoaster, the eclipse in Pisces on September 17 will be a defining period for you as you can see how your career or vocational goals continue to blossom. When the eclipse energy returns to the sign of Libra on October 2, you will see how those empowering connections you have made continue to help you find meaning in the work you do.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

What makes this eclipse season more interesting is that Mars is now in your sign. You are entering a new cycle where you will have more responsibilities that may feel exhausting before Mars stations retrograde later in the year.

While you are developing new tools, the eclipse in Pisces on September 17 will help bring you more knowledge that can help you get back to basics when the October 2 eclipse in fellow cardinal sign Libra reminds you that stability is essential at home before you can thrive in the public sector.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Searching for your power will be a theme of the eclipse in Pisces on September 17. You are reminded of your source of energy and expansion during this transit, as you can feel an awakening when it comes to ego and self-acceptance.

When the eclipse energy moves into Libra on October 2, you may see how your social connections gain momentum, allowing you to feel more comfortable expressing your ideas.

Learning to take on projects that can help you learn and master your skillset may result from the September 17 eclipse in Pisces. Saturn's lessons are teaching you how to be the best at school or work. Although challenging, the eclipse in Pisces will show you how much growth you have made in the last several years.

Once the October 2 eclipse begins, you can take the steps needed to make your dreams a reality. You will find support, and confidence and feel energized to thrive.

Once the September 17 eclipse occurs, you'll set off at a welcome new pace since you can use the eclipse energy to reflect and plan for what you can accomplish next year. When the October 2 eclipse in your sign happens, more of the lessons you encountered earlier this year will be brought back to your attention.

Your independence may shine through as well as how you have taken on and adapted to roles where your leadership skills may have radiated.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

With the September 17 eclipse, you may be adjusting to the changes that the Mercurial season has brought to the collective. Use this moment to enhance trust in your creative process. If you are in a relationship, it can be a perfect time to celebrate and appreciate your partner.

The October 2 eclipse in Libra soothes and can feel therapeutic as you focus on yourself. The energy you experience during this time aligns well with meditation to induce further healing.

You are elevating! Although it may feel like you are in a nebulous cloud, things will work themselves out when you trust yourself. The September 17 eclipse in Pisces sets the stage for energy that will be powerful in the next year.

Continue finding your balance at home and learn not to give too much to your career or vocational goals. The public spotlight can wait once you establish a solid foundation. The following October eclipse is a reminder to celebrate those small victories since it will be a period of reflection since you may see the fruits of your labor.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Opportunities may flourish for you during eclipse season as Pluto's entry back in your sign gives you more power and motivation to succeed. While Mars is also opposing your sign, the energy now can be a lot about how good you are at socializing and preserving those friendships that have allowed you to evolve.

The potent eclipse in October will continue the themes from the Pisces transit. Learn to listen to others and maintain the peace at school or work because you will gain more respect from others when you play nice.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

If you've been struggling with creative blocks, the September 17 eclipse brings a lot of inspiration and creative power. Once the October 2 eclipse in Libra takes the stage, romantic energy comes back into the picture to close out a cycle that began earlier this year. This is the time to reflect on and elevate meaningful friendships and romantic connections.

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Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

While the Nodes continue to be in the signs of Aries and Libra, you have learned a lot about letting go of material things and making changes to your financial situation through saving and budgeting.

When the September 17 eclipse in your sign occurs, this can be a powerful moment where you will do a lot of internal work and healing in order to incorporate a lot of self-love and care. It can be an emotionally empowering period as you step into this new chapter.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.

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