Vivid Headlines



In Gaza, the program team include 20 staffs, of which 1 Wash Project Manager and 1 WASH Officer (under recruitment). Prior to October 7th, PUI activities included Food Security, Livelihoods and Income-Generating activities. Since October 7th, PUI interventions include:

o Food Security: Ready-to-Eat kits, Vegetable basket distribution

o WaSH : water trucking/ carting, waste collection, emergency sanitation, hygiene kits distribution

Two local partners normally support WASH activities on the ground. The current WaSH portfolio is approximately 1 M EUR. PUI intends to develop its WASH interventions in Gaza to confirm its positioning in the WaSH cluster and respond more significantly to the needs of the affected population.

In the West Bank, the program team is composed of 21 members of whom 6 work as Multisectorial Technical Officers (+ 2 under recruitment). PUI activities include:

The current WaSH portfolio in the WB is approximately 300'000 EUR. PUI intends to broaden the scope of its WASH interventions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) to respond to the increasing needs of the affected population.

In order to build a WaSH department, PUI is seeking to contract a WaSH expert that will be able to drive the mission and path the way for WaSH developments in West Bank as well as in Gaza.

Ultimately, the objective of PUI is to design and implement WASH activities in a timely, qualitative and integrated manner in link with PUI sectors of interventions ensuring full accountability towards the affected population, do-no-harm and maximizing the cost efficiency and effectiveness of its interventions.

Première Urgence Internationale is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious international NGO. Première Urgence Internationale helps civilians who are marginalised or excluded as a result of natural disasters, war and economic collapse. Première Urgence Internationale provides multisectoral support and developed a sound expertise in supporting vulnerable community with emergency assistance and development support in health (at community and facility levels), Mental health and psychosocial support, Shelter rehabilitation, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, food security and livelihood support.

PUI has been working in Palestine since 2002, working mainly in the sectors of Protection, Food Security and Livelihoods, WASH, Shelter, Nutrition, CVA and MHPSS.

The overall objective of the assignment is to determine the subsequent WASH activities to be undertaken as part of the program, linking up WaSH, Health and other PUI sectors. The specific objective is to explore and identify the priority water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in the target areas.

In the framework of this assignment, the consultant shall conduct:

The assessment report should include a summary of findings of the secondary data review and key informant interviews: information gaps, general recommendations for WASH activity prioritization and proposed opportunities and challenges, especially linking up Health & WaSH and other key PUI sectors.

Design and lead a WaSH Assessment in the West Bank

In the framework of this assignment, the consultant shall conduct: (i) a desk review of the relevant reports available online and provided by the organization, (ii) consultations with relevant stakeholders (internal and external to the organization), (iii) develop an assessment of the conditions of the WASH facilities/systems in the project target areas. It is expected that the assignment will include the following but not be limited to:

The assessment report should include a summary of findings of the field visit, information gaps, general recommendations for WASH activity prioritization and proposed opportunities and challenges, especially linking up Health, WaSH and other key PUI sectors in the WB. The report should also include all data collected and analyzed, including all transcripts, focus group discussions and consultations, photographs etc.

Design a WaSH Program and prioritize the WASH activities in Gaza and the West Bank

The consultant shall develop a priority list of potential WASH activities in both Gaza and the West Bank. When proposing WASH interventions, the assessment should include different options for immediate action, mid-term and long term in Gaza and in the WB. It will play an essential role for further project planning.

For each context, the Consultant shall specify the location and the estimated costs for each activity. For each prioritized WASH facility/system for construction/ rehabilitation, the consultant is expected to develop options including the cost for options. The prioritization of WASH activities should be coordinated with relevant government counterparts, beneficiaries, and stakeholders. It is expected that the WASH facilities/systems and soft interventions prioritized will be in line with the existing district development plans, development strategies and other strategic or planning documents approved by the relevant authorities.

In both Gaza and the West Bank, a clear linkage between WaSH, Health and other PUI sectors should be sought. This might include specific activities related to water, sanitation, waste, vector control, from facilities to communities and household levels. Criteria for selection should be proposed. Interventions are expected to be specific enough, especially in view of the main public health risks identified (eg. cholera spread, hepatitis A). Potential partnerships should clearly clarify roles and responsibilities if proposed (eg. Mentor Initiative in Gaza).

It should be emphasized that after the completion of the needs assessment, the consultant should present the needs assessment report to the project team.


Application to the consultancy


The Consultant will be selected on the basis of the adequacy of their skills and experience (supporting reports), technical and financial offer and their availability and the proposed rate for the service. Among the candidates meeting the minimum requirements, the selection criteria are the following :

The price considered for evaluation will be the total price of the tender, covering all the requirements set out in the Call for Tender and be in line with the financial capacity for this tender.

This criterion will assess the knowledge, experience, expertise and ability to carry out the Consultancy. The tender must prove its capacity to research, collect and analyze information and data in multiple States. The offer should prove that the Consultant has experience in project management, needs assessments and Development Aid proposal writing and has the capacity to work in expected languages and provide deliverables in English.

This criterion will assess the appropriateness of the methodology for the whole work package and of the specific methodology for each task. Furthermore, the tender should demonstrate how it will address the tasks in a realistic and well-structured way, as well as demonstrate whether the methods proposed are suited to the needs set out in the call for tender.

A tentative worlplan should be provided as part of the technical offer. This criterion will assess the roles and responsibilities of the proposed team and the distribution of each task. It also assesses the global allocation of time and resources to each task or deliverable. The tender should provide details on the allocation of time and human resources and the rationale.

This ToR is subject to amendments following preliminary discussion with The Firm/ Consultant.

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