Vivid Headlines

New in Commit: Meet Commitment Messages

By Dan Dingman

New in Commit: Meet Commitment Messages

When parents commit their children to meets in Commit, they can add notes to the coach, so everything is clear. Coaches can then reply in a thread related to that swimmer's meet commitment.

Previously parents could not message coaches directly on the meet commitment. We had many requests to add this feature for meet entries. We also made it so the coach can disable or enable this feature on a meet by meet basis. This way, if a team does not want to allow this messaging feature related to a specific meet, it is simple to turn off.

1. Fix address display bug on athlete profile

2. Fix pending invite UI issue on roster

3. Fix calendar bug when editing start time of a recurring event

4. Fix age up date display issue for meet information page

5. Fix password reset bug for workouts app

6. Add installment plan start date to UI in various places for clarity for users

Commit Swimming, originally known for its workout management software, now has swim team management software designed to replace TeamUnify for your club.

Commit Swimming is the fresh team management software your swim club needs today. Hundreds of teams have already made the switch off of old software and upgraded their club to Commit Swimming. And clubs who have made the switch absolutely love their decision:

"Commit Swimming is the best team management software out there. I have tried SwimTopia, TeamUnify and Active. Commit is better and offers everything you need."

"Thank you for taking the time to make and send that video! Wow. We've never had such great support."

"It is user-friendly:-). I am enjoying using Commit Swimming."

"This just feels so much more modern."

"Commit's IT & customer support has been incredible!"

Swimming news for swim coaches and swim teams, courtesy of Commit Swimming.

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