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Coronation Street star confirms exit from show a year after landing dream role

Coronation Street star confirms exit from show a year after landing dream role

The actor arrived on the cobbles as Rowan Cunliffe and first introduced himself to Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson).

He then manipulated her into joining an apparent self-help positivity group called The Institute.

After joining the cult and ruining her finances, Leanne convinced Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) to invest her inheritance into the group.

At the start of the week, Leanne and Amy arrived in court alongside their families to face off against Rowan.

Discussing his exit from Coronation Street, Emrhys said: "And that's a wrap on Rowan. About this time last year, I found out I got the part on @coronationstreet in the middle of the night! I was living in California at the time when I checked my phone and there it was... the big news. An incredible early Christmas present."

The ITV star continued: "I had been quite homesick for a while and felt the urge to move back to the UK to be closer to my family after living in the USA for the past 15 years. It was also uncanny how the cult storyline resonated with my personal journey and childhood.

"Getting this part felt like a sure sign from the universe that it was written in the stars for me to return home. I haven't looked back!"

He added: "Working on Corrie has been one of the most incredible professional experiences of my life. What a family, what a tradition, what a national treasure! Thank you so much, Coronation Street! To the cast, crew, and everyone involved.

"Lastly, I want to say I will forever be grateful to the amazing fans who embraced the evil Rowan despite all his dastardly deeds. Also, thank you, Manchester!"

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