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Starfield Shattered Space - A House Divided Full Quest Walkthrough

By Joey Carr

Starfield Shattered Space - A House Divided Full Quest Walkthrough

A House Divided is one of the 11 side quests available to complete in the Starfield Shattered Space DLC. This quest centers around a courier and shipment going missing and it's your job to find out why and where the shipment could have gone. Below, you'll find a full quest walkthrough that goes through all the objectives and choices to make in A House Divided.

The quest begins by speaking to Qisrani Ful'kehf near the House of Obedience in Dazra. After speaking to Qisrani, you'll learn of her plight, which involves a courier and shipment of missing goods. She asks that you search the computer of the courier, Ukaru Dul'kehf.

Ukaru's computer is located on the Radiology floor of the Halls of Healing building, which is accessed via elevator. After you arrive on the Radiology floor, speak to the man behind the desk and tell him you need to access Ukaru's computer. He'll let you, but he'll also restrict access to the admin privileges of the computer. You can persuade him to give you admin privileges, but it's not essential to the quest.

After speaking to the man, head into the room to the right and search all of the attachments on Ukaru's computer (if you have admin privileges). After learning about the shipment Ukaru was transporting, you'll learn that it supposedly went to a supply depot nearby.

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