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Residents named to Pa'Lante Steering Committee

Residents named to Pa'Lante Steering Committee

City Manager Fidel Maltez has named the 10 community members who will serve on the Chelsea Pa'Lante Steering Committee.

This group will advise the City as it develops the Comprehensive Plan, Chelsea Pa'Lante, Chelsea Onward. The plan will shape Chelsea's future by setting a strategic vision and direction for the community's growth and development, according to Maltez.

Chelsea Pa'Lante Steering Committee members include: Jose Abreu, Maranatha Boyer, Mayra Balderas, Kyle Browne, Julie DeMauro, Vivian Ianotti, David Matute, Saira Carreto Romero, Jake Small, and Roy Valentin.

Additionally, serving on the committee to ensure transparency, communication, and participation from the City Council and Planning Board, are Chelsea City Council President Norieliz DeJesus, Vice President Todd Taylor, and Planning Board Liaison Sarah Ritch.

Per Massachusetts General Law, a planning board in a city or town is responsible for creating and periodically updating a master plan, which serves as a long-term guide for the municipality's physical development. The plan includes key elements such as a statement of goals and policies; land use plans; housing needs and objectives; economic development strategies; natural and cultural resource protection; open space and recreation management; services and facilities analysis; circulation and transportation systems; and an implementation program for achieving the plan's objectives.

The plan is developed through public input, ensuring consistency in policies and forecasts, and must be approved by a majority vote of the planning board. It is a public record, and any amendments are shared with the relevant state department. Additionally, cities or towns with an established plan applying for state grants must maintain an economic development supplement outlining goals for industrial or commercial growth, affordable housing, and the preservation of parks and open spaces.

The Chelsea Pa'Lante Steering Committee will play an instrumental role in guiding the city through its comprehensive planning process, ensuring that the voices of residents, businesses, and all other stakeholders are heard, according to Maltez.

"We're thrilled to move ahead in our comprehensive planning process with the selection of these 11 individuals," said Maltez. "Each member will play a vital role in ensuring our Comprehensive Plan reflects the unique spirit of our city and sets a course for a vibrant, resilient, and thriving future. I look forward to working closely with this group to advance Chelsea's progress."

The Steering Committee will work with city staff, the broader community, and Utile, the city's comprehensive plan consultant, to guide the city's planning process. Committee members will engage with the public, review research and data, and provide input on draft materials.

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