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'My dad did the same': Wife prepares to tell husband she's pregnant, but it's her cat that has the most unexpected reaction

By Aya Tsintziras

'My dad did the same': Wife prepares to tell husband she's pregnant, but it's her cat that has the most unexpected reaction

How should you tell your partner you're expecting? Leave the pregnancy test and a cute note on the bathroom counter? Buy them a gift? Text or call them because you can't wait to tell them this magical, mind-blowing, and life-changing news?

I've always been an impatient person and can't keep a secret so I can't imagine setting up a big surprise. And sometimes, gender reveals and pregnancy announcements get wild. TikTok user @gabbyrosehair had an out-of-this-world experience when she was about to share her baby news with her husband. While she waited for him to come home so she could tell him they were going to become parents, her cat jumped off the kitchen counter. Okay, more like flew off the kitchen counter! She wrote in the caption, "I wish you could see the absolute chaos that went on outside of the video when he landed in the sink."

One user commented, "That's a bit dramatic" and another joked, "How do I make this about me?" Someone thought Gabby's pet wanted to make it clear that they weren't going to take care of their new roommate: "The cat was like THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT MY CHILD." Another awesome comment: "My dad did the same." Now that's hilarious. If telling your partner is a big deal, letting your parents know that they're going to be grandparents is equally emotional. Your mom and dad are likely going to cry/scream/jump up and down for joy, not fly off a kitchen counter. But, hey, they might react just like this cat. You never know.

There's never a dull moment with cats, and many would argue that Gabby's cat could absolutely tell she was with child. According to Psychology Today, cats can smell a lot and have great "night vision." And, as Healthline explained, cats might figure out that you're acting differently now that you're pregnant and might be able to smell hormone shifts. I wonder what this cat was thinking. Maybe they pictured a crying newborn and lots of chaos and wanted to go somewhere relaxing (but, sadly, ended up in the kitchen sink). Perhaps they were trying to say, "That's cool and all, but I'm not going to change any diapers." Can you blame them at all?!

Having a cat when you're pregnant will offer you some warmth and comfort during this sometimes challenging time. Just imagine all the cozy Netflix binges. Many say cats sometimes carry Toxoplasmosis, a parasite that can be risky for pregnant people. Because of this, it's best not to go near their litter box and give this chore to someone else during these nine months. However, assistant Yale University professor of medicine, Jeffrey Kravetz, M.D., said, "It is more likely for a pregnant woman to acquire toxoplasmosis from eating undercooked meat or from contacting soil without gloves."

This was no doubt an intense scene, but Gabby assured everyone in her caption that her cat was okay. She wrote, "dishes everywhere, knives went flying and cups shattered but our cat was perfectly fine!" Of course telling her husband he was going to be a dad would have been magical and memorable no matter what. But I doubt this couple will ever forget the kitchen disaster that unfolded before she shared the news. The cat just wanted to make their opinion known!

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