1. It is recommended to wear nitrile or rubber gloves when handling this concentrate to avoid staining hands.
2. Always mix solutions into a clean, well labeled, non-metalic, empty container.
3. Fill empty container with proper amount of cold, soft water.
4. Add proper amount of DUET Base to container as directed.
5. Add proper amount of DUET Activator to container as directed. Mix until the color is uniform throughout.
6. Mix in a well ventilated area and avoid breathing fumes.
7. Use mixed solution within 12 hours.
8. When DUET LS BASE and DUET LS ACTIVATOR are mixed properly according to label directions a solution of acidified sodium chlorite is achieved in the ready-to-use product.
2. Observe foremilk by strippping two or three streams of milk into a strip cup.
5. Remove all teat dip by thoroughly drying the teats, teat orifices and udder with a clean, single service paper towel(s) to avoid contamination of milk.
6, Attach milking unit
Immediately after milking, dip or spray all teats full length with READY-TO-USE DUET LS TEAT DIP. Ensure good coverage of all sides of the teats and teat orifices. Allow to dry. Do not wipe. Do not turn cows out in freezing weather until teat dip is completely dry.