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CATASTROPHIC BOMBSHELL UPDATE: 75 Australians Confirmed with SV40 Promoter DNA in their Bloodstream from "Vaccine" DNA "Contamination"

CATASTROPHIC BOMBSHELL UPDATE: 75 Australians Confirmed with SV40 Promoter DNA in their Bloodstream from "Vaccine" DNA "Contamination"

Evidence of Synthetic DNA Contamination in Blood

This is an incredibly important update that further irrefutably proves that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon "vaccines" have been willfully deployed to genetical modify their recipients with random synthetic exogenous DNA as well as SV40 promotor enhancer sequences...


...and just yesterday an emergency letter had been forwarded to the Prime Minister of Australia that presented devastating evidence of the presence of synthetic DNA in the bloodstream of 75 Australians.

While the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) had consistently dismissed the DNA contamination as "misinformation," this position stance is no longer tenable given this latest evidence.

The Prime Minister and the health minister are now confronted with unassailable evidence of intent to commit genocide.

The new evidence comes on the strength of the analysis of the FOIA emails from the Australian TGA by molecular geneticist par excellence Dr. Jessica Rose. The emails clearly acknowledge the use of a mammalian vector CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Promoter-Based Vector, with the insertion of the vector into the E.coli to express the mRNA genetic material for the "vaccines."

Both Pfizer and Moderna (and their DoD and Pentagon handlers and patent holders) always knew that if they used the mammalian vector, then it would 100% integrate DNA into mammalian (i.e. human) cells; in other words, this was a deliberate genetic poisoning of humanity -- there is no other way to interpret their intentions -- these scientists all knew exactly what they were doing when they were designing these "vaccines."

While DNA vector containing SV40 cancer promoter was wittingly used to manufacture the mRNA used in these "vaccines," the far safer process to express mRNA for vaccine production would have used bacterial DNA vectors, such as T7 vector inserted into the E.coli bacteria.

For historical context, the T7 vector - a DNA vector with sequences designed to integrate into bacteria only has been used since 1986 -- should have always been used from day one to manufacture the mRNA in these "vaccines" so that they would have been significantly safer. Not that these "vaccines" could ever be "safe and effective," irrespective of any manufacturing processes, but nonetheless BigPharma at the behest of their Intelligence Industrial Complex owners designed the most unsafe slow kill product possible that would be the most effective at genetically modifying those foolish enough to uptake these poisons.

By using the mammalian DNA vectors, typically never inserted into E.coli bacteria to express mRNA for vaccines, the manufactures ensured the permanent genetic modification of anyone subjecting themselves to this kind of EUA gene "therapeutic," and thus this further proves without a shadow of a doubt that the entire COVID "vaccine" scheme was always nothing more than a technocratic eugenics program.

Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) FOIA emails revealed that it was always known to the scientific authorities at the TGA that the mammalian DNA vector was used for the manufacturing process of the "vaccines."

Also, the "vaccines" were purposely not purified properly, leaving the mammalian DNA that integrates into the human genome intact; however, it is now clear that both the mammalian DNA vector and the mRNA were mixed with the lipid nano particles that serve as a kind of FedEx transport express vehicle to deliver the contaminated DNA (bioweapon payloads) to every single cell in the body.

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