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Mother in Law said something about my not making enough money

Mother in Law said something about my not making enough money

This morning my wife and I had our usual phone call with her parents for Christmas. During our conversation my Mother in law said something along the lines of, "Well someone has to make the money, right Steve?" My name isn't Steve but for the purpose of this I'm Steve.

Currently my work has taken a very major hit. I work in the entertainment business and the last few years haven't been great. So right now my wife is making significantly more money then me.

We aren't in any financial trouble...nothing of the sort. My wife is supportive of the tough times in my work. I also saved up a lot of liquid cash before I was married so that during the hard times(they always come) I could stay afloat without picking up another job.

I felt deeply hurt by the comment my Mother in Law made. It's not as if I want to be making less money or doing less work.

In response to my mother in law, I said nothing and have said nothing to my wife. Don't wanna start something on Christmas. But I'm feeling a lot of resentment about it. Should I just let it slide? Or say something to my wife and or mother in law? Should I have said something during the actual moment of the comment? I don't love confrontation but this really bothered me. Maybe it's just my own insecurities about my work going poorly.

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