Vivid Headlines

Two public hearings scheduled for East Delavan sewer improvement plan

By Dale Anderson

Two public hearings scheduled for East Delavan sewer improvement plan

Two hearings are scheduled to get public comment on plans to reduce overflow from the sewer system around East Delavan and Jefferson avenues, the Buffalo Sewer Authority announced.

An in-person hearing will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 15 in the Northland Workforce Training Center, 683 Northland Ave. The second hearing will take place online from noon to 2 p.m. Oct. 17.

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The purpose of the project is to reduce overflows into Scajaquada Creek, as well as nearby buildings and streets, when heavy rain from storm drains mixes in with sewage.

The plan would create underground storage for this runoff, known as combined sewage. Under consideration are two designs - an underground storage tunnel and a deep storage tank.

The Draft Scope of Work proposal can be seen beginning Friday at the Buffalo Sewer Authority main office in City Hall, at the Central Library in Lafayette Square or online at, where a link to the online meeting Oct. 17 also will be available.

Email [email protected].

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