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Signing and Exchange of Notes concerning the Grant Project "Economic and Social Development Programme " to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (provision of equipment related to unexploded ordnance rem

Signing and Exchange of Notes concerning the Grant Project "Economic and Social Development Programme " to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (provision of equipment related to unexploded ordnance rem

On December 21 (the same day local time), in Hanoi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, H.E.Mr. ITO Naoki, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, and H.E. Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Head of the standing board of the national steering committee on overcoming post-war consequences of unexploded ordnances and toxic chemicals in Viet Nam signed and exchanged notes concerning the grant project "Economic and Social Development Programme" with grant amount of 500 million yen to provide unexploded ordnance(UXO) removal related equipment to the Vietnam National Mine Action Centre (VNMAC).

(Reference) Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Basic Data

The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has an area of 329,241 square kilometers (about the same as the area of Japan excluding Kyushu), a population of approximately 100.3 million (2023, General Department of Statistics of Viet Nam), and a per capita gross national income (GNI) of US$4,180 (2023, World Bank).

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