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Mom of former Lady Vols player facing several health issues, calls on Vol Nation for help

Mom of former Lady Vols player facing several health issues, calls on Vol Nation for help

KNOXVILLE, Tennessee -- The mom of a former star basketball player is turning to Vol Nation for help as she battles health problems. Alexis Hornbuckle played under Pat Summitt from 2004 to 2008. That's when she fell in love with Knoxville and decided to move back three years ago, and so did her parents Jerome and Quandora Hornbuckle.

But recently, Quandora has been suffering health problems. She said before October.. the retired life was good. But on October 13, she started having health problems.. including seizures.

"I was on life support in the hospital, didn't know who I was, didn't know what was going on. I was in ICU for a week and a half, and then I was moved to a regular floor. After I was released, I was put into Patricia Neal rehabilitation center," said Quandora.

Weeks later she was suffering from vomiting spells. Quandora said she made several trips to the emergency room during this time. She was told all that she was experiencing was due to extremely high blood pressure and blood sugar.

"When I came to and started realizing where I was and I am still learning some of the things that were going on that went on," said Quandora.

Her daughter Alexis said it's hard seeing her mother go through this, especially since she's retired and on a fixed income.

"She's a fighter. Everybody in there was trying to figure out what was going on. It was heartbreaking, to see just such a powerful strong woman, that's how you see your parents as superheroes, and to see her in that state at only 65 years old that was, it was scary," said Alexis.

Now Quandora uses a walker to get around and she has to daily training to strengthen her brain and her body. She takes daily medication and Quandora said she's spent about $4,000 on medication alone. She will also keep seeing specialists and has surgery coming up in February to remove masses near her ovaries, which were only found because of her ongoing health problems. Through all of this, she said she's just thankful to still be here.

"I am a believer and so I owe it all and I give God the credit for keeping me through everything that I've been through and I trust him to keep me through what I yet have to go through," said Quandora.

Alexis said she's thankful a family friend started a GoFundMe to help cover expenses. She is thanking Vol Nation in advance for their thoughts, prayers and donations.

"We just wanna see her get the proper care and we don't want to not be able to receive that care due to finances, so I just wanna thank everybody in advance for what's already been done and what is to come," said Alexis.

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