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The Best Soup To Pair With Your Tuna Fish Sandwich - The Takeout

The Best Soup To Pair With Your Tuna Fish Sandwich - The Takeout

If you enjoy tuna fish sandwiches, you might be in the minority (and if you work in an office and eat at your desk, you just might be the villain), but there's a lot that's good about this quick and easy bite. It's rich in protein, contains omega-3 fatty acids, and comes chock full of vitamins and minerals. Depending on what bread you put it on, there is an opportunity for plenty of fiber, too, plus additional protein. Pair a tuna sandwich with a bowl of your favorite canned soup (or homemade, if that's your preference) and you have yourself a quick, complete meal. But which soup goes best with that distinctly fish-forward, creamy tuna fish sandwich?

As it happens, it's a soup that pairs well with another classic sandwich: the grilled cheese. That's right, you guessed it -- it's tomato soup. Tuna sandwiches and tomato soup are actually a take on the classic fish and tomato pairing that is so popular in Mediterranean cooking. (The difference here is that there is more emphasis on making a hearty meal that is, ultimately, comfort food.) The bright acidic pop and natural sweetness of the tomato soup plays well against the rich creaminess of the tuna fish sandwich.

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